Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to Start Your Own 
Virtual Assistant Business

The last few weeks I have been doing tons of research on how to start your own virtual assistant business.  I found myself in a bind different from the typical story you hear about how women start their own virtual assistant business while being a stay-at-home mom.  

My Story:
After 3 1/2 years of going back to school since being laid off in 2009 I just could not borrow any more financial aid at the community college level.  Like most adults I have rent, car note, utilities, bills to pay, etc.  I still passionately want to finish my degree in Business Administration but working and going to school has always been very hard for me. I started to sweat trying to decide if I should just stop school and go back to work full time? Or should I just continue to borrow money with private student loans and owe nearly a house mortgage by the time I graduate?  After all, apparently borrowing for an education is worth it and nearly pays it'self back (sarcasm).  But what about when you're an adult now with this type of debt?  It's a lot scarier owing the government this large amount of money than had I been 22 graduating from college.

It's extremely hard finding a job that will pay you the $12-$15 an hour just to pay your bill, but that will give you the flexibility you need each semester your class times change.  The only jobs that flexible are usually retail which tend to always start you off at minimum wage.  Working 40 hours a week leave me no time for class, study time and exercising, let alone running errands, time friend family and friends.  Most of the good temp assignment jobs in Austin are in north Austin but by the time I would drive home I would be so exhausted from being in traffic 45 minutes to an hour and I would end up not feeling 100% until about 7pm.  Again, leaving me no time to really study effectively after having a long day.

On a side note, jobs that I'd normally get calls back on right away for interviews are now requiring associates and bachelor's degrees.  "But I have more experience and I can do this job with my eyes closed!" I'd scream in my head.  I heavily realized that the answer to my solution would be to create it. I needed to create a job no more than 30 hours a week, one that I wouldn't have to drive much or at all,  that gave me the flexibility to attend class and money to still pay my bills.  Most importantly, I could still go to school, pay cash for my classes and not have to borrow money.

So here I am, looking back wishing I had realized this idea of being a virtual assistant when I went back to school in 2009! All this time I had been receiving financial aid that could have gotten me started with some sort of income to start being a virtual assistant.  Because as we know getting the business is half the battle.  

Two ways you can try to get clients:

1. target large companies
2. target small business / entrepreneurs

I see some pros and cons with targeting both, so this is something you are going to have to think about when you are deciding to start your virtual assistant business.  

I will post a blog in the near future about what I believe are the Pros and Cons to targeting large companies vs small businesses.  

For now, here are some website links I have been saving on where you can start to gather information and learn about the Virtual Assistant / Freelance Industry:

Enjoy The Info!

~Alicia Marie

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