Saturday, June 22, 2013

Is Your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (tablet PC) Not Turning On?

For business / personal reasons I own a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.  I bought my device in March 2013 on  I also own a Samsung Galaxy Sii (or S2) and sure it works great but there are many times where you just want a little larger screen.  I opted for the 7 inch screen, instead of the 10 inch, so it could easily fit in my purse.  I had a problem this week that I've had before but previously I was able to fix the problem.  This time, I was able to charge my tab but it would only charge to 50% and then I actually could not get it to turn on.  
 When I first charged it I was charging it through an extension cord, simply because all my other plugs were being occupied.  It charged to 50%, but didn't turn on.  Then I charged it directly into a wall outlet.  Still wouldn't charge past 50% nor would it turn on.  So I got online to Samsung's Live Chat Customer Service and they asked me had I tried charging it through my laptop.  Of course I hadn't thought about that yet, so i got off the phone to try what they suggested.  I let the laptop charge via the cable through my laptop and let it charge overnight but for a total of 10 hours.  Normal charge time through an outlet is 7 hours.  They explained that since it would be charging through the laptop, it takes longer to charge.  But guess what? That didn't work either:(
So today I started to put the original box it came in, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, and an old box that I saved with those little pockets of air for cushion and set it all aside.  As I did other things around the house I was prepping my work out bag before heading to the gym and reached inside and what do you was apparently the original Samsung adapter.  The entire time I apparently wasn't using the correct adapter, but an adapter that went to my current and previous Samsung Galaxy cell phone. 

Here's the slight difference between Samsung's Sii charger and the Galaxy Tab 2 charger:

Samsung Galaxy Sii (S2) mobile phone adapter:

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 - tablet PC adapter - notice how juts before the metal plugs it protrudes out a little.  Also, in person the adapter is obviously larger than the Galaxy sii (S2).

A-Ha! So I immediately got excited, plugged in my Tab to an outlet with the original adapter, turned it on an VOI-LA! It worked!  I was sooo excited! So apparently that was the problem.  Even though I was using a Samsung adapter it wasn't giving out enough "volts and amps" to power my Tab more than 50% or to even turn it on.  Now i normally understood how using some other after-market charger could actually cause problems with electronics, but i never thought that a Samsung Galaxy Sii (S2) cell phone adapter would not work on it's Big Brother Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

I just thought i'd pass this onto the people out there on the internet searching desperately for the answer as to one of the reasons why they can't get their Samsung to power up once it's gone dead. And just like the Apple folks have everything Apple, I can only assume that people who have owned a Samsung Galaxy owns more Samsung products.  

~Alicia Marie

Link to Samsung's Website About the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Link to website where I purchased my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2

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